Monday, January 28, 2008

Suzhou, one of the most dangerous cities for HBV carriers

In a BBS forum which has more than 300,000 registered users, which is home of 120 million Chinese Hepatitis B Carriers, Suzhou is selected as one of the dangerous cities for HBV carriers. There is no doubt that if we have a top 10 list, Suzhou will be in. There is no doubt that if we have a top 3 list, Suzhou will be in as well.

One week ago, a HBV carrier wrote to the mayor of Suzhou to state the critical HBV discrimination in Suzhou, and request the government of Suzhou to implement the China Employment Promotion Law.

He got a letter from PuJunXing (浦俊兴), who is the vice chief of Disease Control and Prevention section of Suzhou Health Bureau. In this letter, we got astonished by some of his reply. Below is a quotation translated from Chinese. The original quotation written in Chinese is also posted following the English translation.

"The essential contradiction for the present is that the Hepatitis B carriers' rights to work should be protected effectively, but on the premise of labor surplus, we can't deprive entrepreneurs of their rights to choose employees who are healthier than Hepatitis B carriers."


We are Hepatitis B carriers, but we are healthy. As the vice chief of Disease Control and Prevention section of Suzhou Health Bureau, he should has the common sense. Unfortunately, he has not. Maybe he has, he just conveniently forgot it that he can protect the rights of entrepreneurs instead of suffering Hepatitis B carriers. We want to cry, we want to laugh.

Weird? Can you imagine a senior official said that to us? My dear readers, can you tell me if this happened in your countries, what will you do?


People's Government of Suzhou:

English Edition:

Where is Suzhou:
Search "China, Suzhou" in

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