About one and a half months ago, I posted a post on the situation of HBV carriers in Suzhou. You can find the post by clicking the following link.
http://hbversinchina.blogspot.com/2008/01/suzhou-one-of-most-dangerous-cities-for.htmlToday, I got the good news from Suzhou. The Suzhou Health Bureau passed a notice several days ago to forbid pre-employment blood test of employees for hepatitis B, which sheds some light, though there is still darkness shrouded by discrimination, on the progress of eliminating the bias on HBV-carrier-job-hunters.
There is no denying it is a progress, at least on paper. However, as I said before in the post "
A Notice from Guangzhou Health Bureau", the notice itself has apparent weak points and can be easily bypassed by those hospitals and other medical centers, who take pre-employment blood test as a lucrative business.
Once again, we need law instead of notice on paper. It's cruel to give us hope, which we know it is just hope that will never come true. Still a long way to go.
To read the notice written in Chinese, visit the link below.